Website design - the bottom line

A website will help your small business generate more customers. All you need to weigh up is, "will a website make me more money than it costs to get it made?"

We think the answer is "Yes". We can produce a website for your small business from £399. This will give you up to 5 pages about your company; easy forms for your potential customers to complete to get in touch with you; as many email addresses as you can shake a stick at and a presence on the internet to open your business up to the world!

What's involved?

What do we need? Our unique 3 stage process

  • Some of your time. You'll need to give us some photos, some details about your business and tell us your favourite colour. We'll go away and design a website that we think you'll like. You look at it and either give us the thumbs up or tell us the changes you want. We'll make the changes and get your site up on the internet.
  • A bit more time - we'll need to wait for the search engines to come across your site and add it to their listings
  • That's it Sit back, put on your slippers, light your cigar and wait for the business to come rolling in (this part of the process cannot be guaranteed)

What else can we do for you?

Search engine optimisation. This means that if you sell Widgets, and someone types, "where can I get a Widget?" into Google, we try and make sure that your website comes out at the top of the pile

Content Management. This means you can update your website as and when you want. If you want to add new content, just type it out, add any new pictures and upload it yourself to your site. Alternatively, you can email it to us and we'll do it for you for a small charge

Logo Creation and Sliders. We can make your site look fancy schmancy by designing you a cool logo and using sliders -
Sliders?!? An example of this is the banner we have at the top of this page with words flying in from the side

There's not much else to say really. We can create a nice looking website for you at a good price that will bring you lots of extra customers. Nuff said.

Contact us to get started or to ask any further questions


Web Design for small businesses

Website Design for Small Businesses

1st Websites are a web design company that offer website designing for small businesses throughout the UK. If your business does not have a website, or your website is not getting you the results you hoped for, we can redesign the site at a low cost.

Our speciality is getting your website to show on the search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo. This is where your website can really enhance your business.

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